Article by Zoe Higgins out in RE Today

Posted on June 28, 2022 by RE:Connect

Posted in outputs

Article by Zoe Higgins out in RE Today

We're delighted that one of our fellows has an article on their project out this month in RE Today, ‘“All the Children were engaged and excited by the climate change topics in RE”: The RE:Connect RE and Climate Crisis Teacher Fellowship Programme’ (RE Today magazine, 40:2, Spring 2023). Available for purchase from RE Today website here:

Project Members Presenting at Strictly RE

Project Members Presenting at Strictly RE Today alumni and project team members Steph Chadwick, Zoe Higgins and Ian Jones discussed the RE:Connect project in a workshop at the Strict...

A new cohort begins!

A new cohort begins! We've just had the first session for our 2nd cohort of RE:Connect, with four secondary and two primary teachers from across the country. Cohort 2 is generously...

Article by Ian Jones and Jeremy Kidwell out in RE Today

Article by Ian Jones and Jeremy Kidwell out in RE Today We're pleased to report that the project leads, Ian Jones and Jeremy Kidwell have an article published in the most recent RE T...