

Welcome to the RE:Connect Updates

Here is where you will find exciting posts about RE:Connect

Hack the Syllabus

Date: July 12, 2024
Category: presentations

The RE:Connect project hosted a range of syllabus advisors, RE leaders, and teachers to "hack the syllabus". In the first of what is planned to be a recurring workshop, the group shared presentations from current RE:Connect fellows, hosted a keynote by environmental scientist and geographer Mike Hulme, and …

Project Members Presenting at Strictly RE

Date: January 27, 2024
Category: presentations

Project Members Presenting at Strictly RE Today alumni and project team members Steph Chadwick, Zoe Higgins and Ian Jones discussed the RE:Connect project in a workshop at the Strictly RE 2024 online conference. The workshop focused on Steph's and Zoe's experiences of engaging in action research as classroom practitioners …

A new cohort begins!

Date: September 19, 2023
Category: cohort2024

A new cohort begins! We've just had the first session for our 2nd cohort of RE:Connect, with four secondary and two primary teachers from across the country. Cohort 2 is generously supported by funding from Culham St Gabriel's Trust, and with in-kind support from St Peter's Saltley Trust.

Article by Ian Jones and Jeremy Kidwell out in RE Today

Date: June 28, 2023
Category: outputs

Article by Ian Jones and Jeremy Kidwell out in RE Today We're pleased to report that the project leads, Ian Jones and Jeremy Kidwell have an article published in the most recent RE Today managine, 'RE:Connecting RE and Environmental Crisis: Reflections on a Pilot Teacher Fellowship Programme' ('Professional REflection' …

RE:Connect at RExChange 2022

Date: October 20, 2022
Category: presentations

RE:Connect at RExChange 2022 RE:Connect Teacher Fellowship Programme on RE and environment/climate crisis is now open for its second cohort (starting September 2022) thanks to funding from Culham St Gabriel’s Trust. Click here for further details of how to apply! You can hear about our experiences …

RE:Connect End of Programme Presentation Day

Date: June 28, 2022
Category: 2022cohort

RE:Connect End of Programme Presentation Day RE:Connect Fellows gathered at Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre in Birmingham, with invited expert friends from the RE community, for a day of presentations of Fellows' curriculum projects, conversation with RE experts and award of certificates of participation.

Article by Zoe Higgins out in RE Today

Date: June 28, 2022
Category: outputs

Article by Zoe Higgins out in RE Today We're delighted that one of our fellows has an article on their project out this month in RE Today, ‘“All the Children were engaged and excited by the climate change topics in RE”: The RE:Connect RE and Climate Crisis Teacher Fellowship …

AULRE presentation

Date: May 13, 2022
Category: presentations

AULRE presentation Ian Jones and Amy Houghton-Barnes presented some early findings and reflections from the inaugural RE:Connect fellowship programme to the annual conference of AULRE (Association of University Lecturers in Religious Education), at Newman University in Birmingham.

First session of the inaugural RE:Connect Teacher Fellowship Programme

Date: October 20, 2021
Category: cohort2022

First session of the inaugural RE:Connect Teacher Fellowship Programme Five teachers (four secondary, one primary) from the Midlands area participated in the our very first session today on the programme programme, which was jointly funded by Culham St Gabriel's and St Peter's Saltley Trust.

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Proin a ullamcorper elit, et sagittis turpis integer ut fermentum.